Friday 30 January 2009

Bartoloeo Carlo Rastrelli

Rastrelli was one of the several artists whose talent fourished in Russia. The sculptor's extraordinary gifts found fecund soil for development and proliferation. They were enriched by the fine traditions fo the Russian art and at the same time left an appreciable mark on its future course of development. In 1716 Rastrelli was invited to work in the service of His Majesty the Tsar in all arts and handicrafts of which he is capable. So, Rastrelli arrived in St. Petersburg and at first worked principally as an architect. But later he was able to display his talent as a sculptor and portraitist. In his scultpural portraits he managed to combine baroque splendor with thoughtful insight into the human soul. Rastrelli's greatest success was his bronze bust of Peter the Great, a life-like portrait, dynamic in form and full of vigour. It reflects not only the model's individual features but also the character of the whole epoch.

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