Wednesday 4 February 2009

Genre Painting in Russia

"Genre painting, also called genre scene or petit genre depicts aspects of everyday life by protraying ordinary people engaged in common activities."(by wikipedia). It can be seen in practically all national traditions. In Russia genre painting appeared in 18th century and was not very popular. In early 19th century it developed in the works by Tropinin, Venetsianov, etc. But it is still considered to be 'low genre' by the Academy of Arts and the members and students were discouraged to follow this tradition. In the middle of the century genre painting developed in a dramatic, satiristic, but sentitive form in the paintings by Fedotov, Perov, etc. In the late 19th century genre painting flourished in the works of Peredvizhniki Artists. The pieces of work became more phylosophycal, thoughful and human-centred. After 1917 the genre painting was havily influenced by the political and ideological needs of the ruling goverment.

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